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Liability Release  - ZD Stables Hobby Horse Show


In consideration of being permitted to participate in the ZD Stables Hobby Horse Show at 13200 Southfields Rd Wellington FL 33414 (the “Event”), I, the undersigned, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby:


1.    Acknowledge that ZD Stables is not an actual business and a creation of the girls Zoe Duncan and Danielle Chayo and was for the purposes of play with their school peers.


2.    Acknowledge that my child's participation in the Event may include activities that may be hazardous to he/she.


3.    Assume any risk of injury or harm associated with such participation in the Event.


4.    Release and forever discharge Elinor Chayo & Robert Michaels, the property owners (collectively “Releasees”) of and from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action (collectively the “Claims”) in respect of injury, loss, death or damage the participant or property howsoever caused, arising or to arise by reason of or during participation in the Event, whether prior to, during or subsequent to my attendance and notwithstanding that any Claim may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of any of the Releasees.


5.    Indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from and against any and all liability incurred by any or all of them arising as a result of or in any way connected to my participation in the Event.


6.    Agree to accept financial responsibility for the costs related to any emergency treatment that may arise related to my participation in the Event.


7.    I have read this release before signing below and I fully understand the contents, meaning, and impact of this release.  

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